Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Date with the 2 of my favorite friends

Photo was taken February 26, 2016
Our date with 2 of my friends in Chapters Book Cafe. We don't see each other often as I am based in Cebu so meeting them while in Dipolog is a must.

Outing with Family at Manuel Resort

Photo was taken February 25, 2016
This was the first time my family met my boyfriend... surely not the last. 😘💖💕💕

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

First Trip Together

Photo was taken February 24, 2016
These are our photos while we were in the ship going to Dipolog City. We went there for my boyfriend to meet my family. 🚢

Pizza for Lunch

Photo was taken on Februray 21, 2016
From time to time, pizza is one of my favorite lunch.

Had Shopping with Boyfriend

Photo was taken February 20, 2016
Went shopping with boyfriend. Happy to be in love and date the man from Solomon Islands. 😍💞💕💕👍👍

Food Date

Taken February 08, 2016
This is my food date with Jeh. She is the only person whom I can date when it comes to eating. ✊👊👊

Trip to Robinsons Galleria, Cebu

Taken on February 1, 2016
Me and my good friend Jeh toured around Robinsons Galleria, Cebu for the first time. This was our day off.